
Data Driven Society

World has turned into data-driven society. Nowadays humanity produces twice as much data as through all the time till 2007. Big Data is a statistical instrument with potential to improve world’s operations, increase its speed, make more intelligent decisions, and, consequently, forecast the future.It is essential to know how to operate and use the data we produce.

Punda investigates how Big Data influences on our daily life and business environment, which obstacles does it bring and ways to overtake them.

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Data Driven Society /

Revolution in Health data collection

Big data is not only about structuring and analyzing it. In Healthcare industry it is about new digital ways of collecting data. Scientists all over the world are finding revolutionized solutions driven with Big Data opportunities. Innovative applications to track patients’ health indicators in real time with usage of electronic devices draws millennials’ attention.

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Every click made online is recorded, sent through third parties and stored on the servers and there is no other way Internet could work. This means that all information uploaded online is saved and someone can get access to it. World gained[nbsp]a new Big Brother in Big Data. So what is the outcome?

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Data Driven Society /

Health Care steps forward

Medical care has been developing rapidly for the last hundred years, and now has opportunity to use new research technologies to improve its efficiency. But how exactly Big Data can aid the Health Care?

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Data Driven Society /

Data values for customer care

Big Data is multi-faceted statistical tool with variety of ways to be implemented. What makes Big Data so special? It says: “I know your customers better than you. I know what they think!”

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