
Data Driven Society

World has turned into data-driven society. Nowadays humanity produces twice as much data as through all the time till 2007. Big Data is a statistical instrument with potential to improve world’s operations, increase its speed, make more intelligent decisions, and, consequently, forecast the future.It is essential to know how to operate and use the data we produce.

Punda investigates how Big Data influences on our daily life and business environment, which obstacles does it bring and ways to overtake them.

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Data Driven Society /

What is the future of supply chain?

The future of SCM is one where the creativity of human brain infuses with the efficiency of machines.

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Data Driven Society /

Future of trust in the hands of blockchain

Blockchain is changing several sectors in our society and generating trust between its users.

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There is so much talk about personal digital security and cyber threats for large corporations. Let’s talk about small and medium businesses for a change.

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Data Driven Society /

Everything you need to know about your future doctor

Welcome to the future where nurses and general practitioners are substituted with apps and Artificial Intelligence.

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Data Driven Society /

How e-tech rebuilds sport as we know it

Digital technologies change the attitude to sports for athletes from inside.

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Data Driven Society /

Understanding the Future of Intelligence

This article explores the essence, power, flaws, as well as usage of Artificial Intelligence.

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Data Driven Society /

Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain for FinTech

This article explores Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, and the ways these innovations will affect life and businesses.

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Data Driven Society /

Monsooning from the Cloud Services

Google drives Cloud to the new level with flash speed. Are you ready for the future of Cloud Computing?

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Data Driven Society /

Ethics of the coming decades

Digital world requires if not new then adapted old moral principles to the current and future developments.

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Data Driven Society /

Gamification for business and education

What does gamification bring to businesses and education techniques?

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This article explores the innovations and possibilities brought by healthcare advancement and business opportunities which have to be considered already today.

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Data Driven Society /

Robotics is to save humanity, not otherwise

Today, robots are used as manufacturing tools, and even as a customer service, namely in Japan. What of them would you adopt and what would you avoid?

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