Zero-waste lifestyle is to solve waste management problems

 4 minute read

Wasting, as one of the largest worldwide environmental problems, has found its solution is the new movement of Zero-waste households. Zero-waste lifestyle was created when realized that trashing caused by overconsumption was reaching alarming levels and, as a result, overloading the landfills.

Insight box

Population is getting closer to understanding that their consumption habits have powerful negative impact to the environment. Expect to see more environmentally oriented behavior trends, which will create greater demand on companies with sustainable activities. Ecological manufacturing is a competitive advantage of 21st century.

New ways to buy, use and
dispose everyday items

A waste-free life might mean either reducing waste production from 240 liters of garbage a week to a 120-liter trash can once a month, or, ideally, eliminating the trash totally. According[nbsp]to April Luebbert, housewife raising 2 kids in Washington, once trash-free life system is organized for purchasing goods and recycling packaging, trash-free living is not only possible, but also becomes a second nature. Besides the obvious environmental benefits of producing no garbage, there are other impacts of such lifestyle, like changing the consumer behavior and spending less money, supporting locally and regionally grown food, reducing exposure to toxic chemicals, self-sufficiency development and many others.

Guidebook by Bea Johnson

As Bea Johnson claims in her book bestseller Zero Waste Home, cutting waste in the household is quite simple by following five easy steps: refuse what you do not need; reduce what do you need; reuse what you consume; recycle what you cannot refuse, reduce or reuse; and compose the rest. As the first steps, daily used products have to be replaced to sustainable ones, for example reusable water bottle, a couple of grocery totes, a few cloth bags and reusable jars and bottles. While shopping the attention has to be concentrated to whole foods that[nbsp]are not packaged in plastic. And last but not least, revision of the wardrobe: simplified wardrobe saves time and money and, at the same time, reduces waste.

Seems a bit too hard?

Not at all, as everything from the open markets is counted as zero-waste markets as long as their products are[nbsp]not packed in plastic. Moreover, nowadays there are even zero-waste stores where all types of sustainable goods can be purchased. Numbers of markets, which support waste-free concept of life, are opening around the world for those who follow the idea. From the range of[nbsp]markets it is impossible to miss the In.gredients, a grocery store in Austin, Texas. It is the first package-free, zero waste grocery store in the United States, providing fresh, local and organic food where costumers are encouraged to use their own containers instead of regular packaging. The quantity of such shops is not large, but many of[nbsp]the products can[nbsp]be found also online and shipped worldwide. Namely, online Ethical Superstore can provide customers with ethical gifts, gadgets, and groceries.

Australian business and
government are engaged
with new trend

Australian government launched a large zero-waste popularization organization ZERO WASTE SA, implementing education to improve recycling and waste avoidance practices, whether at home, at work or in industry. In 2011-12 organization ran the Recycle Right campaign, intended to improve householders’ knowledge and behaviors in 3r’s waste management (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) with media and educational workshops. With it’s Zero Waste SA Industry Program, organization cooperates with businesses and government agencies to advance resource efficiency practices. From[nbsp]this perspective, the program shows a strong potential to save waste, energy, water and money in a difficult financial climate. As the Australian experience shows, government lead and cooperation with households and industry bring satisfying results in short time aiding waste management solutions.


The Zero-Waste Lifestyle: Live Well by Throwing Away Less, Amy Kors Zero Waste Home, Bea Johnson

Zero waste SA,

#lifestyle #sustainability #wastemanagement #zerocarbon #zerowaste
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